What Does LWVNM Do?
The public, elected officials, political parties and candidates all benefit from of the work of the League of Women Voters of New Mexico. There are many interesting volunteer activities fitting working and non-working people, young and old, introverted and extroverted, and, of course, women and men. If you are civic minded there is a place for you at the state or local level.
We Network With Other Levels of League - Local and National
- We provide leadership on statewide issues
- We coordinate state issue lobbying efforts
- We coordinate with local Leagues on issues relevant to local and state government
- We publish a quarterly newsletter, La Palabra, available through this website and by email and snail mail to members
We Offer Voter Education and Service To The Community
- We publish impartial information on statewide candidates and issues online and in local Voters' Guides
- We publish a directory of New Mexico legislators
- We hold a yearly League Day at the Legislature, with educational panels on key issues
We Study Issues, Take Positions and Advocate (pro or con)
Some of our issues:
- Campaign finance reform
- Women’s and children’s issues
- Juvenile justice
- Judicial reform
- Water and natural resources
- Land Use
- Education
- Health Care
- Economic Development
- We actively participate in statewide planning and advisory committees
- Some League members are registered lobbyists and testify before legislative committees
- We monitor state legislative committees during the session
- We educate public officials and the public with our lobbying efforts
- The Action Committee observes legislative sessions, tracks bills of interest, and keeps members in the loop by email.
- We educate communities on state issues in collaboration with local Leagues. Local Leagues hold forums on issues of current interest such as the Affordable Care Act, water, public/private ownership questions, Voter ID, and immigration.