![[Map of LWVNM local leagues]](/images/LWVNM-map-localleagues350.png)
Your local League
- registers voters
- organizes candidate forums
- publishes voter guides
- sponsors high school civics projects
- monitors local government
Your state League
- takes the lead on statewide projects such as Fair Districts for New Mexico
- monitors the Legislature
- advocates for legislation
- coordinates the online voter guide, Vote 411.
The National League, in Congress and in the courts,
- fights voter suppression
- addresses money in politics
- opposes partisan redistricting
- supports equal rights
- defends reproductive freedom
When you join a local League, you automatically join the state and national League. Your dues and volunteer hours support these activities.
You may join any local League OR join the state League as Member-at-Large. Students may join any League for free.
The best way to join is to go to the ChapterSpot member portal.
If you're sure you don't want to be part of a local League (the membership dues are the same), the Member-at-Large Application form will take you to a page where you can pay by PayPal (you’ll need a PayPal account).
Or, if you prefer to pay by mailing a check, please print our membership form in PDF (300K) or DOCX (36K), and mail it with a check to “LVWNM” at the following address:
League of Women Voters of New Mexico Membership
PO Box 416
Fairacres, NM 88033
The Membership year for Members-at-Large of LWVNM is May 1 to April 30. You can join at any time.