La Palabra: the Newsletter of the LWV NM

You can read the League's quarterly newsletter, La Palabra online! The newsletter files are in PDF format, which you can open in your browser, or download, as described below.

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Fall 2024 La Palabra (PDF, 1.2Mb)

Co-Presidents' Report; Voter Services; Voting and Elections Report; Action Report; Burciaga Luncheon Invite; Nuclear Issues Report; Local League News.

Summer 2024 La Palabra (PDF, 1.9Mb)

Co-Presidents' Corner; Invite Women's Equality Day; Asplund Trail Marker Dedication; Voter Services; Making Democracy Work Award; Program Report; Independent Redistricting Report; Consent-Based Siting of Spent Nuclear Fuel; Local League News.

Spring 2024 La Palabra (PDF, 1.9Mb)

Call to Council; Co-Presidents' Corner; Several recaps on the Legislative Session; Spent Nuclear Fuel update; Program Report; Local League News.

Winter 2024 La Palabra (PDF, 716b)

Co-Presidents’ Report; Nuclear Issues Update; Action Calendar; Voter Services Report; Legislative Moderization; Local League News.


Fall 2023 La Palabra (PDF, 1.1Mb)

Co-Presidents’ Report; Voter ServicesReport; Action Calendar; Nuclear Issues Update; Legislative Modernization; Water Issues Update; Education Report; Local League News.

Summer 2023 La Palabra (PDF, 1.8Mb)

Co-Presidents’ Report; Redistricting Report; Making Democracy Work Award; Action Committee Report; Nuclear Issues Report; Legislative Modernization; Local League News.

Spring 2023 La Palabra (PDF, 1.5Mb)

Call to Convention 2023; President’s Report; Convention Information, Schedule and Registration Form; Legislative Review; HB134 Menstrual Products Passes; Nominating Committee Report; Program Report; Budget Committee Report and Proposed Budgets 2023-5; Local League News.

Winter 2023 La Palabra (PDF, 1.2Mb)

President’s Report; Advocacy Workshop; Action and Redistricting Reports; First Call to Convention 2023; Observer Experience at COP27; Local League News.


Fall 2022 La Palabra (PDF, 2Mb)

President’s Report; Action, Voter Services, Redistricting, Spend Nuclear Fuel Storage reports; Administration of Justice; Taxes and Budget; NM Listens; Reproductive Justice; Local League News.

Summer 2022 La Palabra (PDF, 3.7Mb)

President’s Report; LWVNM Statement on Roe; News and Photos from the LWVUS Convention; Immigration Advocacy Update; Revising the LWVUS Policy on Nuke Issues; Climate Crisis Looming Larger; Redistricting Conversations; Modernizing the State Legislature; Ethics Commission Update; Tribal Law Study Update; NM Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Annual Report; Local League News.

Spring 2022 La Palabra (PDF, 660Kb)

President’s Report; Call to Council, Agenda and Registration; Legislative Session Success; NM needs an IRC; Few Natural Resources Bills Pass; Voting and Election Reforms Blocked; Ranked Choice Voting; Addressing Workforce Shortages/Sidebar; Spent Nuclear Fuels Update; “We the People” NM ZOOM; Local League News.

Winter 2022 La Palabra (PDF, 1.3 Mb)

President’s Report; Observations from COP26; NM Listens Project; Action Comm Report; League Day Program; Concurrence on Healthcare; Spent Nuclear Fuels Report; Local League News.


Fall 2021 La Palabra (PDF, 2.6 Mb)

Goldfarb farewell; Addressing NM Climate Change; NM Listens Project; Dispatch from a Millenial; Action Comm Report; Program Report; Tribal Law Study; Spent Nuclear Fuels Report; Local League News.

Summer 2021 (PDF, 940K).

LWVUS Workshops; Writing a Bill; Action Committee Report; Tribal Law Study; Spent Nuclear Fuels Report; Local League News.

Spring 2021 (PDF, 1.7 Mb)

Call to State Convention; Program Items for Convention; Board Nominations; Proposed Budget; Action Committee report on the 2021 session; JEDI report; Local League News.

Winter 2021 (PDF, 3.5 Mb)

League Day at the Legislature; Redistricting Reform; 2020 General Election Report; Vote411; Ethics Coalition Report; Call to Convention; Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Update; Observer Corps; Local League News.


Fall 2020 (PDF, 4.2 Mb)

LWVNM Primary Elections position re-analysis; Legislative Advocacy Workshop Dec. 5; Judicial Selection process; Absentee ballot processing; Redistricting; Local League News.

Summer 2020 (PDF, 2.4 Mb)

LWVUS Convention wrapup; NM position on the Transfer of Federal Public Lands is now the national position! San Juan Generating Station to be replaced with renewables; Women's Vote Centennial; Election 2020 Information; Local League News.

Spring 2020 (PDF, 5.0 Mb)

Call to LWVNM Council; 100th Anniversary festivities; Judicial Selection Study Committee report; Fair Districts NM; Spent nuclear fuel update; National Votes for Women Trail; VOTE411: electronic and statewide! Local League News.

Winter 2020 (PDF, 2.7 Mb)

President's Corner; League Days and 100th Anniversary Celebration; Reception and celebration; League Day accommodations; Special speaker; Redistricting project; Advocacy workshop summary; League legislative priorities; Judicial selection study; Program, proposed positions; Spent nuclear fuel advocacy group report; Local League News.


Fall 2019 (PDF, 1.6 Mb)

President's Corner, Improving Redistricting in New Mexico, Advocacy Workshop, Independent Ethics Commission Report, Save the Dates!, LWVLA Meets with Brian Blalock, Action Committee Report, League Day Plans Focus on Suffrage Anniversary, Suffrage Timeline for New Mexico, Spent Nuclear Fuel Advocacy Group Report, Local League News.

Summer 2019 (PDF, 1.1 Mb)

Highlights: Introduction from new President Hannah Burling; LWVNM Leadership Changes; Program Outcomes and Directions to the Board from the State Convention; New Study of Judicial Qualifications/Selection Process; Report on National LWVUS Council; Suffrage Centennial:National Recognition for Nina Otero Warren, Suffragist and League Leader; LWVUS on the Broadway Stage; Changes for Voter Registrars; Committee Reports; Local League News.

Spring 2019 (PDF, 1.1 Mb)

Highlights: Call to State Convention; Reports on the 2019 legislative session; Program Items and Proposed Bylaws Amendments to be Considered at Convention; Proposed 2019-2020 Budget; Committee Reports; Local League News.

Winter 2019 (PDF, 988 KB)

Highlights: Journalism Under Fire; Advocacy Workshop; Call to Convention; Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Study Committe Progress; Report on CAVU film; Upcoming League Days at the Legislature; Local League News.


Fall 2018 (PDF, 888 KB)

Highlights: News on our Voter Guides, and on the upcoming Census; Action committee preview of the 2019 Legislative Session; In-depth report on the Transfer of Federal Public Lands study, with concensus questions; Presentation on Early Childhood Education; Local League reports.

Summer 2018 (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Highlights: Report from the LWVUS National Convention in Chicago; Information on upcoming Voter Guides; the Economic Impact of Transfering Federal Public Lands to the States; New Law on Funding Firefighting; Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing; Report from LWVNM Council 2018; Local League News.

Spring 2018 (PDF, 891 KB)

Highlights: Call to Council; Report on the 2018 Legislative Session; A Reprieve from Drilling near Chaco; Report on Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation; Transfer of Public Lands report; Local League News.

Winter 2018 (PDF, 1.9 MB)

Highlights: League Day at the Legislature; Report on Advocacy Workshop; Reports from Natural Resources Commitee and the Transfer of Federal Lands Study Committee; Education Updates; Local league news.


Fall 2017 (PDF, 3.4 MB)

Highlights: Advocacy Workshop Information; Immigration Update: DACA; The Sagebrush Rebellion; Updates on Federal Public Lands and Nuclear Waste studies; League Lobbyist Information; Natural Resources and Local League reports.

Summer 2017 (PDF, 2.3 MB)
Highlights: President's message with Convention summary, and welcome address; Studies: Nuclear storage issues, federal public lands, health care; PNM's plan for coal and other energy sources; Legislative update; Criminal justice reform project; Local League reports.

Spring 2017 (PDF, 1.9 MB)
Highlights: Information on the upcoming LWVNM State Convention; Proposed Bylaws amendments, position changes and new studies; Summary of the 2017 Legislative Session; Reproductive Rights at the Legislature; Profile of Janet Blair, our new Communications and Outreach Director; Current and proposed budgets through 2019; Nominating committee report.

Winter 2017 (PDF, 1.6 MB)
League Day at the Legislature & Legislative Reception; Women's History Month Celebration; New Mexico: a Role Model for the Country; New Charter School Regulation Position; Advocacy Workshop Recap; Information on the Biennial Convention in May.


Fall 2016 (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Highlights: LWVNM Victory at the NM Supreme Court; Bylaws change to allow 16-year-old members, reflecting changes at the LWVUS level; report on new NM Evironmental Dept "Copper Rule"; local league reports; new calendar.

Summer 2016 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Highlights: LWVNM Board 2016 - 2017; President's Message; Local League News from the Presidents; U.S. Supreme Court News; LWVUS -- National Convention; National Convention Immigration Caucus; State Position: Apportionment/Redistricting; LWVUS Program, 2016 - 2018; Human Services, MVD Voter Registration; Charter School Study Report; LWVNM Calendar -- 2016/2017.

Spring 2016 (PDF, 365KB)
Highlights: Call to LWVNM Council; Charter School Update; Legislative Session Review; League Day/Legislative Reception; Local League Presidents' Quarterly Reports; Natural Resources Report; Women's Rights; Udall Speaking at CNM Annual Meeting.

Winter 2016 (PDF, 770KB) Includes articles on League Day/Legislative Reception, February 3 and 4. See p. 9 and please make your hotel reservations by January 13 to secure special League rate. Other features include news from each of the local Leagues, update on the charter school regulation study, and Constitutional Amendment consensus meetings.


Fall 2015 (PDF, 700KB) PNM-PRC-San Juan Generating Station; independant ethics commission; help wanted: Treasurer; Money in Politics (MIP) study; health policy; League Day/Legislative Reception.

Summer 2015 (PDF, 1.5 MB) Convention report; PNM plan for San Juan Generating Station; election modernization bill SB643; upcoming Charter School Regulation study and a summary of three completed studies on reducing alcohol-related deaths, land use, and mental health care services; a plan to examine how the Legislature operates and make it more open and publicly accessible; redistricting commission and the Santa Fe League; how better to promote local leagues; Board calendar 2015-16.

Spring 2015 (PDF, 1.1 MB) Convention information and registration form; nominating committee report; budget report; update on MLD, Membership and Leadership Development; 2015 legislative session wrap up; technology report; new LWVNM positions on alcohol, children and families, education, living wage, environmental justice, land use, transportation, agriculture, air quality, waste management, climate change, energy and mining, water quality, and state finance; proposed changes to bylaws.

Winter 2015 (PDF, 1.1 MB) 20 pages of solid information, including discussions of League lobbying plans for the 2015 Sixty Day legislative session, status of education in New Mexico (very timely, because ed funding is a major function of the legislature), reports from the President and Local Leagues, preparations for League Day at the Legislature and 2015 state convention, recommendations from the Mental Health Services study (also very timely, in view of the legislative session), an update on PNM's proposed purchase of a coal mine, and more.


Fall 2014 (PDF, 733 KB) This issue has additional election information, the importance of transparency in government, a report on the Santa Fe League's success in establishing an independent redistricting commission for the city of Santa Fe, updates on PNM's San Juan Generating Station, how to increase high school graduation rates, progress in implementing the Affordable Care Act, and more.

Summer 2014 (PDF, 702 KB) The League prepares for the primary season and fall general election. Check out the articles on candidate forums and Voters' Guides. There are reports on PNM's San Juan Generating Station, progress on the Mental Health Services study, the Santa Fe League's success in getting campaign finance disclosure in school board elections, as well as reports from the local Leagues, and more.

Spring 2014 (PDF, 325 KB) This is the pre-Council issue, and includes articles on Implementing the Affordable Care Act, Educational Reform, Common Core standards, updates on important League program activities (natural resources, mental healthcare in New Mexico, marriage equality, and reproductive rights), reports from the five League presidents, and more.

Winter 2014 (PDF, 355KB). All the details you need for League Day at the Legislature (Jan 28); articles on Education Reform, "Common Core" Standards, Implementing the Affordable Care Act; updates on League program activities for natural resources, the Mental Health Care study, Marriage equality, and reproductive rights in Albuquerque; and reports from the State and local Presidents, and MORE!


Fall 2013 (PDF, 300KB). The latest on the Affordable Care Act ("ObamaCare") implementation in New Mexico, status reports from the Action and Natural Resources committees, accounts of the public hearing on the Behavioral Health provider replacement in Las Cruces and the PRC hearing on Renewable Energy requirements for electric utilities, an update on the Coalition for Choice and Respect ABQ Women, "save the date" announcements for the Dec 7 Lobbying Workshop and Jan 28 League Day at the Legislature, and MORE.

Summer 2013 (PDF, 240KB). Report from Convention. This spring's State Convention in Las Cruces resulted in many changes to positions, bylaws, officers, and several new studies. Find it all out in the Summer La Palabra!

Spring 2013 (PDF, 1400 KB). Convention Issue. Reports from Officers, League Presidents, Committee Chairs, and Study Committees. Information on Convention and registration form. Slate of nominees for 2013-15 Board. Proposed 2013-15 Budget. Proposed changes to Program, Positions, and Bylaws.

Winter 2013 (PDF, 320 KB). League Day at the Legislature, the Alcohol Study report, the San Juan Generating Station, Calendar for 2013, Redistricting Reform, the first Call to Convention (Las Cruces!) and an update from former President Katherine Campbell, now living in Massachusetts.


Fall 2012 (PDF, 208 KB). New PRC position, health insurance exchanges, voter activities, and more.

Summer 2012 (PDF, 572 KB). Reports from LWVNM Council, discussion of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, report from LWV US Convention, and more.

Spring 2012 (PDF, 376 KB). Call to Council issue, with the year's reports from Committees and Local League presidents; Budget for 2012-3, and a farewell message from LWVUS Liaison Peggy Hill

Winter 2012 (PDF, 704 KB). League Day at the Legislature, Salute to New Mexico, Congressional Redistricting, and More!


Fall 2011 (PDF, KB). Voter photo ID, voter fraud, and protecting voter participation. League Day. Salute to New Mexico 2012. State-wide redistricting. Update on Land Use. NM Health policy: changes, progress.

Summer 2011 (PDF, 644 KB). Report from State Convention, Annual Meeting, LWV US Council, and state-wide redistricting. A new leadership structure. Three new State Studies. A discussion of why League opposes term limits. Photos galore - and in color.

Spring 2011 (PDF, 1.4 MB). The Convention issue. Check here for information about Convention, how to register, what's on the agenda, and supplementary documentation. There are reports from the Board and Committees, photos, graphs, proposals for state studies, and nominees for the next Board. Visiting Los Alamos? Check La Palabra for things to see and where to go!

Winter 2011 (PDF, 280 KB). League Day at the Legislature, First Call to State Convention, Working with Others, Climate Change Update, Outstanding National Resource Waters, Redistricting, and More!


Fall 2010 (PDF, 161 KB). Announcing the Dec 4th Lobbying Workshop in Santa Fe, and detailing League's lobbying work: creating a NM Health Care Exchange, the Government Restructuring Task Force, Carbon Cap & Trade testimony before the Environmental Improvement Board, and Outstanding Natural Resource Waters. And that isn't all.

Summer 2010 (PDF, 584KB). Celebrating the 90th anniversary of League, reports on LWV US Convention in Atlanta and LWV NM Council in Santa Fe, lobbying issues coming up in the 2011 session and more

Spring 2010 (PDF, 1.1MB). Call to Council issue, with budgets, reports, new positions, and registration form.

Winter 2010 (PDF, 876KB). Contains information and lobbying priorities for the 2010 League Day, information about the 90th Birthday Celebration, and more


Fall 2009 (PDF, 492KB). Contains Consensus Questions for the November state-wide Consensus on Water

Summer 2009 (PDF, 232KB).

Spring 2009 (PDF, 180KB).

Winter 2009 (PDF, 134KB). Contains information and lobbying priorities for the 2009 League Day.


Fall 2008 (PDF, 180KB). Contains Consensus Questions for the November state-wide Consensus on Redistricting

Summer 2008.

Spring 2008.

Winter 2008 - mistakenly titled "Winter 2007". Call to LWVNM Council, May 17, 2008, in Los Alamos.
Please bring a copy of La Palabra to Council. Registration form included in the newsletter.


Summer 2007.

Spring 2007. Call to LWVNM Convention, May 18-20, 2007, in Las Cruces.
Please bring a copy of La Palabra to Convention. Registration form included in the newsletter.

Winter 2007.


The Fall 2006 includes the LWVGLC study report on Immigration Issues and a fundraising letter addressed to members.

Summer 2006.

Spring 2006. Call to LWVNM Council, May 13, 2006, in Santa Fe.

Winter 2006.


Fall 2005.

Summer 2005.