LWVNM Study: Transfer of Federal Public Lands
The study, run by Barbara Calef and Judy Williams, completed in 2019 and resulted in a state position on Transfer of Federal Public Lands.
Transfer of Federal Public Lands Now a National Position!
The LWVUS Convention was held the weekend of June 26-27 and we scored a major victory! Our Transfer of Federal Public Lands position was adopted by concurrence. As a concurrence, we needed a two-thirds vote, but after debate on Friday we weren’t sure it would pass. Many delegates hadn’t read the position or didn’t understand it and its rationale. But on Saturday a delegate from Florida moved to allow more debate. We had some good speakers in favor. In addition, we sent a new message to the LWVUS leaders list stating the position and why it is important. Finally, Judy Williams pasted the position itself into the Q&A so the delegates could see it.
Now the LWVNM position on the Transfer of Federal Public lands is a national position! Delegates from the Western states were supportive, particularly those from Utah, Montana and Nevada.
The caucus, held via Zoom, was recorded and you can view the video here:
LWV New Mexico Transfer of Federal Public Lands Caucus.
Use password: 7J#U&+%*
Slides from the caucus: Public Lands Caucus 2020 Slides (PDF, 37M)
Links to our newsletters where you can find the committee's series of study reports for members:
- Summer 2017
- Fall 2017
- Spring 2018
- Summer 2018 (this one includes several references)
- Fall 2018
- Winter 2018
Links to Papers we Consulted
- Overview of the Utah Transfer of Public Lands Report by Chris Furlanetto of LWVNM
- https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2555922
- https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2701292
- https://scholarship.law.umt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2394&context=mlr
- https://gardner.utah.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/1.-Land-Transfer-Analysis-Final-Report.pdf (this is the original commissioned by the Utah Legislature)
- https://www.perc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/150303_PERC_DividedLands.pdf
- https://headwaterseconomics.org/public-lands/federal-lands-performance/
- https://headwaterseconomics.org/dataviz/national-monuments/
Documents Used During the Study, 2017-2019
Issue papers by Logan Glasenapp:
- Acting State BLM Director Aden Seidlitz
- State Land Commissioner Aubrey Dunn
- Regional Forester Cal Joyner
- Deputy Land Commissioner Laura Riley