Letter to Governor Martinez: 2020 Census

September 4, 2018

Governor Susana Martinez
400 Old Santa Fe Trail
Room 400
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

Re: Need Executive Order on the 2020 Census

Dear Governor Martinez:

The League of Women Voters of New Mexico asks you to immediately sign an executive order to establish a Complete Count Committee for the 2020 Census. Then, in 2019 the New Mexico Legislature will be able to make the necessary appropriations to ensure a complete count of all New Mexicans in the 2020 Census.

An accurate Census count is of critical importance to New Mexico, as the results are the basis for the $6.1 billion coming into the state each year for health care, education, transportation and more in New Mexico. The state uses the census data to plan roads, public safety, elections and its own apportionment of legislative districts.

Action to prepare for the 2020 Census is needed in order to ensure a complete and accurate count. New Mexico is the hardest state to count for several reasons. New Mexico was projected to lose $23 million in FY 2015 for every 1% undercount.

The League has made a complete and accurate 2020 Census a priority; we will work in coalitions to accomplish this.

Thank you for your attention. Please act now and sign an executive order creating a Complete Count Committee.

Judith Williams, Ph.D., President
League of Women Voters of New Mexico
505-920-7817 president@lwvnm.org