LWV NM Action Mailing List
The LWVNM Action mailing list is open to all League members in New Mexico. It's a friendly, non-partisan forum where members share information about topics of interest to the League, including action alerts related legislation in New Mexico, information about upcoming events, voter education, League business and other things of interest to the League's mission.
To subscribe, go to this page and fill out the "Subscribing to Action" section: LWVNM Action List Info
You'll get an automated confirmation message with a link to visit in your browser, or you can simply reply to the message to join.
Contact the moderator if you need additional assistance in joining any of these lists.
If you were formerly on the Yahoo Groups LWVNM Action list, you'll need to resubscribe to this new list. Yahoo restricted use of its groups at the end of 2019, and unfortunately we have no way of transfering the old Yahoo memberships to the new list.
Users with Comcast and AOL Email Addresses:
Comcast and AOL sometimes reject mail from mailing lists (not just this one), including the initial confirmation email you get while subscribing. In Comcast's case, try logging in to the Comcast website: apparently Comcast holds messages in a spam folder on their website rather than letting you download them to your computer. AOL may have a similar mechanism. Perhaps after a while, they will learn which messages to allow.
Otherwise, you may have better luck subscribing from a different email address.
List Rules
Please review the mailing list rules periodically. The moderator is empowered to warn or ban anyone who violates these rules.