Suffrage Timeline for New Mexico

1848 First Women's Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls, N.Y. pass resolution calling for full voting rights for women. Elizabeth Cady Stanton authors the Declaration of Sentiments, modeled on Declaration of Independence, which excludes women. 14th Amendment defines citizen as “male,” thereby denying women the vote. 1869 National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) works state by state to get women the vote. Women in Wyoming Territory gain full suffrage.  1878 Woman Suffrage Amendment is first introduced into Congress by Senator Sargent (CA) at the behest of Susan B. Anthony, who voted illegally in 1872. 

1893 Albuquerque Suffrage Club working for women’s suffrage in NM Territory.

1899 Carrie Chapman Catt, NAWSA President, organizes suffragist in Santa Fe.

1910 NM Federation of Woman’s Clubs started in Las Cruces by Laura Frenger.

1910 NM Constitution required for statehood is ratified. A provision that grants women the right to vote in school elections contains a caveat that their vote can be revoked if communities disagree. Legislature rejects full suffrage for women.

1912 NM becomes a state. Only men can vote, not Native Americans or women.

1913-1920 Suffrage marches and rallies in D. C., NY, Chicago. Parades in Albuquerque, Las Vegas, Las Cruces, Portales, Roswell, Santa Fe, and Silver City.

1916 Jeanette Rankin, US Rep. Montana, is first woman to serve in Congress.

1916 National Woman's Party formed at the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage Convention in Chicago. Alice Paul and others call out anti-suffrage officials and organize efforts in NM and other states where women can’t vote.

1916 Senator Andrieus A. Jones, Las Vegas, NM replaces Senator Thomas Catron, Santa Fe, who was opposed to suffrage. Sen. Jones becomes Chair of Senate’s Woman Suffrage Committee after Catron and champions the 19th Amendment.

1917 CU/NWP establishes NM chapter. Nina Otero Warren becomes a leader.

1917-1918 Suffragists are arrested and imprisoned for picketing the White House and the capitol. Hunger strikes/force-feeding in jail cause national outcry.

1919 Catt persuades President Wilson to support woman’s suffrage, using women’s contributions to World War I as rationale. Congress passes 19th Amendment, 41 years after it was introduced. Catt commends Sen. Jones.

1919-1920 Suffragists get 36 legislatures to ratify the amendment in special sessions. Governor Larrazolo urges support. NM approves ratification on February 21, 1920, 32nd of 36 states necessary. August 26, 1920 is official adoption date.

NM women are among the 27 million women able to vote in all elections.

Prepared by Meredith Machen, League of Women Voters of New Mexico,