Ben R. Lujan
Does Congress have a responsibility to address the impact of economic insecurity/poverty and racial/ethnic inequities? If so, what action would you support? Please explain.
Every hard-working American of every race, background, and economic status should have the opportunity to get ahead and stay ahead. One critical step is to provide a quality education to all children, particularly early education, that can open up the doors of opportunity and start them on the right path during their earliest years.
What changes, if any, would you support in US immigration policy? Please address treatment of undocumented immigrants.
I support bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform. It is tough but fair, includes a path to citizenship and requires immigrants to pay back taxes and learn English. According to the Congressional Budget Office, reform would reduce the deficit by $900 billion. Comprehensive reform is good for our economy and our security, while reflecting contributions immigrants make to our country.
What actions, if any, should Congress take to address the influence of money in politics?
Overturn Citizens United. I am fighting to reduce the influence of special-interest money in our campaign system. I cosponsored legislation to address the impact of Citizens United that opened the floodgates of secret money, including the DISCLOSE Act to increase public reporting of campaign related activity and a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. I also introduced legislation to make political ad buy more accessible.
What would you do to ensure that every eligible American’s right to vote is protected?
While times have changed since the Voting Rights Act was passed 50 years ago, voter disenfranchisement remains a challenge today. Tactics including voter ID laws, purging people from the rolls, and restricting hours and registration have made it harder to vote. Passing the Voter Rights Advancement Act will protect vulnerable communities from discriminatory practices and provide oversight for jurisdictions with a record of voter suppression.
What would you do to improve health insurance coverage in the U.S.?
The Affordable Care Act increased access to health care for millions of Americans, reducing the uninsured rate in New Mexico from 20.1 percent in 2013 to 12.8 percent last year. Lifetime and annual limits on insurance coverage have been eliminate and people with pre-existing conditions cannot be dropped or denied coverage. Congress should build on this law, taking steps to improve upon it where needed.