Please join us November 12, 2024, 11:30am-1pm

League of Women Voters of New Mexico presents the

2024 Making Democracy Work Award

Raúl Burciaga – Retired Executive Director, Legislative Council Service

Luncheon on November 12, 2024, 11:30 am to 1 pm

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center – Silver Room

2401 12th Street NW, Albuquerque

$50 for the luncheon – Reserve your seat here


Much attention is paid to how legislators perform, but who provides the infrastructure that allows the legislators to fulfill their responsibilities? That infrastructure is provided by the Legislative Council Service (LCS).

The New Mexico Legislative Council appointed Raúl Burciaga as Director of the LCS in 2010. Before his retirement on August 30th, Mr. Burciaga had primary responsibility for administration of the LCS, the nonpartisan bill drafting and legal research agency of the New Mexico Legislature. Additionally, he was responsible for the control, care, custody and maintenance of the State Capitol and grounds and other legislative buildings.

In the 14 years of Mr. Burciaga’s leadership, the LCS has continued to improve the quality and transparency of legislative information. Mr. Burciaga in particular, and the LCS in general, have always been ready and willing to provide responses to inquiries from the public.

Mr. Burciaga was a member of the New Mexico Compilation Commission, which oversees the compilation and publishing of New Mexico laws. He also provided education about the operation of the Legislature as demonstrated by the education event and webinar he did for the League in 2023, graphic below.

Mr. Burciaga was active with the National Conference of State Legislatures, the Council of State Government’s (CSG), the Legislative Service Agency & Research Directors group at CSG West and the National Uniform Law Commission.

All of the above is the behind-the-scenes work that is crucial to making democracy work.