Scheduling Council
Scheduling and Planning for LWVNM Council (January 18, 2020)
In even years Council will be held on the last Saturday in April.
The Call to Council is published in the Spring La Palabra. which must be sent out at least 30 days before the date of the meeting. The agenda and registration form are included in La Palabra.
Council is composed of the presidents of the local Leagues or an alternate, one delegate chosen by each local League, a member-at-large representative to be selected by the state board; and all members of the LWVNM state board.
With the assistance of the Executive Committee, the president plans the agenda and invites the speaker.
Traditionally the following are included:
- President’s Report
- Membership Report and Official 2018 Numbers
- Treasurer’s Report and budget (The Council can confirm or modify the budget.)
- Committee Reports
- Reports on Studies
- Discussion of: Voter Guide, Election Calendar, Candidate Forums
- Local League Reports- Sharing of Programs, Studies, Activities
- LWVNM Planning and Directions to the Board
Council can only change the program adopted at Convention in an emergency (see bylaws).
The host League will plan the venue and lunch. They will print the documents needed for the meeting and set the registration fee to cover the costs.