LWVNM Board Minutes, April 27 2024

League of Women Voters of New Mexico

Board Meeting Minutes

April 27, 2024

Via Zoom

Board Members Present

Kathy Brook, Co- President
Hannah Burling, Co-President
Barbara Calef, Second Vice President
Akkana Peck, Webmaster and Action Vice Chair
Rebecca Chaiken, Secretary
Judy Williams, Past President/Voter Services
Janet Blair, Communications
Edwina Jaramillo, Voter Services
Dick Mason, Action Chair
Meredith Machen, Special Projects
Karen Douglas, Spent Nuclear Fuel
Jo Galván Nash, SNM President
Felicia Orth, LA President

Call to Order

Kathy called the meeting to order directly following the 2024 LWVNM Council at 2:48 p.m.

Approval of Agenda and Approval of Minutes

Two changes were made to the agenda (adding discussions on Social Media and collaboration with the Ed Fund). Judy moved that the amended agenda be approved, and Meredith seconded this motion. All voted in favor.

Barbara moved to approve the March 2, 2024, board meeting minutes and Meredith seconded this motion. All voted in favor.

Ratification of Executive Committee Action

The Executive Committee met on April 19, 2024, and voted to transfer $20,000 from LWVNM to the Education Fund. The purpose of the transfer is to cover expenses which were charged to the Education Fund. These items specifically are for the Vote411 license for 2023 ($5,000); payments to Maia Pugh ($6,699); Vote 411 license for 2024 ($5,000); and payments to Maia Pugh and Mark Coomes ($3,206). Kathy explained that some expenses can be charged to either entity and some only to the (c)(4) organization. In short, some invoices were sent to and paid by the (c)(3) organization and some invoices were submitted late. Our bylaws require that this vote be ratified by the board.

Dick suggested that the $20,000 be considered a loan, to allow for more flexibility. This idea had little support. Dick emphasized that this is a collaboration issue. Funds were expended with no consultation. The (c)(3) Ed Fund decided to expend funds and it is now being repaid by the (c)(4) organization. Felicia noted that the Collaboration Agreement drafted by Meredith does contemplate resource sharing. She added that it is acceptable for (c)(4) and (c)(3) organizations to work together on a tax-exempt purpose. The main thing is to be clear on our agreement and be transparent. Kathy asked that we ratify the transfer of funds, and deal with the ongoing relationship separately.

Meredith moved to approve the $20,000 for expenses already incurred and Judy seconded this motion.

Jo asked what agreement is in place between the two entities. Hannah noted that we do have a Collaboration Agreement, but it has not been agreed to by both parties. Judy proposed that Felicia make a presentation to the board, because these issues need to be rectified. Barbara noted that this issue (which fund to charge for which services) may stem in part from a change in treasurers.

All voted in favor, except for Jo who abstained.

Ed Fund Discussion

Barbara asked for minutes from the Ed Fund board meetings to be provided to the LWVNM board.

Dick said there needs to be a line item created in the Ed Fund Treasurer’s Report indicating grants made to local Leagues.

Several board members asked about the request for funds form Meredith sent out a couple of months ago. Rebecca did not recall that this form was ever approved by the Ed Fund board. Kathy noted that everyone should be aware if there is an application process, and it appears we are getting ahead of ourselves. Dick said that the request for funds form should say “contingent on funds being available.” Jo asked if the Ed Fund is now taking applications and added that the Ed Fund board should not entertain requests for funds until all local Leagues have had an opportunity to submit a request.

Felicia noted that the (c)(4) and (c)(3) entities can strategize together, but we need more robust communication channels.

It was agreed that the collaboration discussion will take place via Zoom on May 11 at 1:00 p.m.

Social Media

Jo moved that $500 be added into the new Social Media line item, but data should be gathered to determine how much will be needed. Barbara seconded this motion. Meredith said we do not have any data, since this is new to us. Hannah said that we do have data from this recent legislative session, where our contractor charged $40 per hour. We paid $4,400 for this legislative session only. Now we are faced with primary and general elections during a Presidential election cycle. Hannah suggested that we also look at old public relations calendars and GOTV materials to estimate how much time a Social Media contractor would need to expend. Judy then suggested the line item be called Communications, which would include Social Media. Jo withdrew her motion, and Barbara agreed with this under protest.

Jo then moved to allocate a line item called Communications/Social Media, funded at $500, and that data be gathered to determine how much more may be needed for the rest of the Fiscal Year. Dick seconded this motion. Everyone except for Judy and Meredith voted in favor.

LWVUS Convention

The LWVUS Convention will be held in Washington D.C. June 27 to June 30, 2024. Hannah, Dick, and Edwina are our delegates. Dick suggested that a meeting of all New Mexico delegates be scheduled. Local Leagues are asked to let Kathy and Hannah know who their delegates are.

There was also a brief discussion about reimbursement for expenses. Dick said the budgeted amount is $800 per person. Jo suggested that the budget include separate line items for registration and other expenses.

Proposed Calendar 2024-2025

The following dates and locations were selected for League board meetings through to the Convention in 2025. Each event will be held from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Meredith moved that the July meeting be held via Zoom and Akkana seconded this motion. Most of the board voted in favor.



July 20, 2024


September 21, 2024

To be determined

November 16, 2024

To be determined

January 18, 2025

To be determined

March 1, 2025

To be determined

The LWVNM Convention will be held on April 26 and 27, 2025. Kathy asked for a volunteer League to host.


Non-partisan, harassment, and conflict of interest policies will be sent out before the next meeting. Felicia offered to conduct the required harassment/DEI training at our next meeting, and everyone agreed. She will plan on 30 minutes. Dick suggested the Action Committee and registered lobbyists be invited.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:51 p.m.

Written by Rebecca Chaiken (May 1, 2024)

Edited by Barbara Calef (May 2, 2024)