LWVNM State Convention Minutes, April 30, 2023
League of Women Voters of New Mexico
2023 Convention Minutes
Hosted by League of Women Voters of Los Alamos
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
2390 North Road
Los Alamos, NM
Day 1
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Welcome and Announcements
The LWVNM 2023 Biennial Convention began at 9:00 a.m. President Hannah Burling presided. She welcomed all delegates, speakers, and guests. Hannah also thanked those individuals who helped organize and manage this event including Barbara Calef, Rosmarie Frederickson, Becky Shankland, Rebecca Chaiken, and Ellen Mills.
Barbara Calef then introduced Denise Derkacs, Los Alamos County Council Chair and League member, who gave the opening welcome.
Hannah then introduced Alexis Juday-Marshall, LWVUS Liaison, who gave the opening address.
Call to Order
The 2023 Convention of the League of Women Voters of New Mexico was called to order at 9:21 a.m. by President Hannah Burling.
The materials included in the Convention packet provided to each delegate were described. Each delegate then introduced themselves and indicated to which League they belong.
Felicia Orth, Parliamentarian
Rebecca Chaiken, Secretary
Barbara Calef, Credentials Committee chair
Ellen Mills, Timekeeper and Vote Counting
Report of the Credentials Committee
Barbara Calef, chair of the Credentials Committee, said that, according to our bylaws, 40 percent of the possible number of voting delegates, other than members of the state board, shall constitute a quorum, provided that there is representation from a majority of the local Leagues. At the start of the meeting, there were a total of 28 possible local League delegates. Nineteen were present, or 67 percent. All local Leagues were represented. We therefore met the requirements for a quorum.
Hannah announced that the adoption of the Credentials Committee report requires a majority vote. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of adopting the report of the Credentials Committee. A quorum was established.
Adoption of Convention Rules
Barbara Calef read the Rules of the Convention. Barbara then moved that we adopt the Rules of the Convention as presented and several delegates, including Felicia Orth and Meredith Machen, seconded this motion. Two-thirds of delegates must vote in favor for the rules to be adopted. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of adopting the convention rules.
Adoption of the Order of Business
Barbara Calef moved to adopt the Order of Business for the 2023 LWVNM Convention and this was seconded by Meredith Machen. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of adopting the Order of Business.
Appointment of Committee to Approve the Meeting Minutes
Becky Shankland and Felicia Orth volunteered to act as the committee to review and approve the minutes of the Convention. Because there were no objections, Becky and Felicia were appointed.
Treasurer's Report
Treasurer Kim Sorensen reported the following as of April 23, 2023 (unless otherwise noted):
Excess of expenses over revenues for the year amounted to $8,317.47, leaving an ending fund balance of $33,069.65.
The LWVNM checking account is held at Wells Fargo Bank. The balance as of April 28, 2023, was $33,689.65. There is one outstanding check in the amount of $375.
Last year, the Thornburg Foundation gave the LWVNM a grant of $50,000 for Vote411. The funds have been held by LWVSFC as Fiscal Agent. On or about May 1, 2023, LWVSFC will transfer the remaining funds, $14,475, to the LWVNM 501(c)(3) Education Fund (Ed Fund).
Details of the income and expenses are reflected on the spreadsheet contained in the Convention materials and published in the spring La Palabra.
Education Fund
The Ed Fund checking account is now held at Nusenda Federal Credit Union. Thus far, the Ed Fund has received two grants: $5,000 from the Thornburg Foundation and $10,000 from New Mexico Voices for Children.
Excess of revenues over expenses for the year is $11,761.99.
Jean Dewart celebrated the use of a credit union and wishes that all League funds would be transferred to a credit union to support the message of people over profits.
Report of the Budget Committee
Hannah acknowledged the Budget Committee members, including Judy Williams, Mary Flynn, Rosmarie Frederickson, and Donna Sandoval. Suzanne Ronneau, as Treasurer, provided the numbers to the Budget Committee and served as an ex officio member.
Judy Williams, Chair of the Budget Committee, shared the proposed budget. She noted that the committee met twice to consider the current budget, and to develop the budget for 2023-2025. Contributions are expected to come primarily from businesses and most contributions will go to the Ed Fund, our new 501(c)(3) organization. Hannah expects to raise about $10,000. The silent auction at this Convention is expected to raise about $700. Convention expenses are based on an estimate of a $35 registration fee for each of the 14 LWVNM board members.
Per Member Payment (PMP) is based on total membership of 540. This consists of 175 from Central New Mexico; 109 from Los Alamos; 141 from Santa Fe County; 107 from Southern New Mexico; and 8 Members-at-Large.
The expenses for the proposed 2024-2025 budget are higher than the expenses for the proposed 2023-2024 budget because the LWVUS Convention will be held during the latter budget cycle.
Judy noted that the challenge will be to increase contributions to the LWVNM 501(c)(4) fund.
Following questions from the delegates, Judy explained that Vote411 expenses, going forward, will be paid for out of the Ed Fund. Previously, Vote 411 cost LWVNM $5,000. Local League costs were based on membership numbers and totaled approximately $1,500. Judy also explained that LWVNM is a 501(c)(4) organization because of our advocacy work at the Legislature, adding that we are nonpartisan, but political.
It was also explained to the delegates that the LWVNM board and Ed Fund boards are separate. The Ed Fund board currently consists of Hannah Burling, Karen Wentworth, Kim Sorensen, Jody Larson, Meredith Machen, and Rebecca Chaiken.
Report of the Nominating Committee
Hannah acknowledged the Nominating Committee for 2023, including Karen Wentworth, Rosmarie Frederickson, Edwina Jaramillo, Meredith Machen, and Dick Mason.
The Chair of the Nominating Committee, Karen Wentworth explained that the slate of officers and board members presented today will be voted on tomorrow. According to our bylaws, this Convention may elect up to eight directors. Karen asked for any nominations from the floor. Hearing none, she presented the committee's report. The proposed slate of board members for 2023-2025 is as follows:
Co-Presidents – Kathy Brook (Southern New Mexico) and Hannah Burling (Santa Fe)
First Vice President - open
Second Vice President - Barbara Calef (Los Alamos)
Secretary - Rebecca Chaiken (Los Alamos)
Treasurer – Kim Sorensen (Southern New Mexico)
Action Chair – Akkana Peck (Los Alamos)
Program/Past President - Judy Williams (Santa Fe)
Board of Directors - up to 8
Archives - Jody Larson (Santa Fe)
Communications - Janet Blair (Central New Mexico)
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Liaison - open
Projects - Meredith Machen (Santa Fe)
Voter Services – Edwina Jaramillo (Southern New Mexico)
Voting and Elections – Dick Mason (Central New Mexico)
Women and Gender issues – Ann LePage (Los Alamos)
Director at Large – Heather Balas (Central New Mexico)
Budget Committee
Appointed by the state board at least four months in advance of Convention. The treasurer serves as an ex-officio member of the committee but shall not serve as chair.
Nominating Committee
Karen Wentworth (Central New Mexico)
Becky Shankland (Los Alamos)
Eileen VanWie (Southern New Mexico)
The LWVNM board will appoint two members in 2025 to complete the Nominating Committee.
Report on Legislative Action Committee
Akkana Peck, Chair of the Action Committee, reported that it was a good year for the Committee. There were 14 members who testified during the 2023 Legislative Session, which is more than in previous years. The Committee is trying to build up its resources to help new people get started with advocacy, and it is really making a difference. The thanks for the success of the Action Committee goes mostly to Dick Mason, along with Hannah Burling, Judy Williams, Meredith Machen, and the other experts. Akkana said that she is still new to this, and she is grateful we have such knowledgeable people in our state League, and that we have so many enthusiastic volunteer advocates.
The highlights of the 2023 Legislative Session included reproductive and gender affirming health care, improvements in voting and elections, and tax changes which are more fair and more progressive, as well as environmental and education bills. Unfortunately, some of the bills supported by the League did not pass, including important bills dealing with paying legislators and lengthening the legislative session, and bills related to ethics and transparency. Akkana also noted that the legislature is still abusing dummy bills to hide what they are doing, and refusing to post bill amendments so the public knows what is being debated.
In the upcoming year, the Action Committee will try to stay more informed about what the interim committees are doing. During this interim period, there is a lot of important groundwork laid for the bills that are introduced during the legislative session. This is not an easy task, but the Action Committee hopes to connect League advocates with the right people so they can follow what is happening between sessions.
Our website contains a link to the Action page. The Committee welcomes new members and will help any new members get started.
The LWVNM tracking sheet on key New Mexico 2023 Legislation is contained in Convention materials and is also available on our website.
Report on Program for Study and Action (2023-2025)
Kathy Brook, LWVNM Program Chair, explained that the League's Program consists of positions on state government issues that the League, through study and action, has approved. The program for each two-year period also consists of studies to be conducted in order to develop additional positions. The LWVNM board of directors is responsible for reviewing the proposals that come from local Leagues and recommending one or more for adoption at Convention. According to our bylaws, in addition to conducting studies leading to the development of positions, the League may adopt positions through a concurrence process. Leagues can concur with positions that other Leagues have developed through study and consensus. Concurrence enables the League to update or expand positions more efficiently and quickly compared to the traditional study process.
The board evaluates concurrence proposals according to three criteria: the adequacy of the position to address broad public policy in that area addressed by examining the research done in the study and determining whether the issue is one that can be addressed by state-level government action; whether a majority of LWVNM board members vote to concur with the proposed positions; and whether the issue is one in which the League is likely to make a difference.
The LWVNM board has considered and approved the program for study and action being recommended today.
Since the 2021 Convention, three LWVNM positions – Administration of Justice, Public Regulation Commission, and Election Procedures - have been revised by the board. In addition, the LWVNM board has approved a change in the heading for the Natural Resources position.
Administration of Justice – LWVNM was invited to concur with the League of Women Voters of California position on Criminal Justice. Following meetings of local Leagues to discuss the California position, the LWVNM board voted to concur. Recognizing that there were parts of the California position that overlapped or duplicated the existing LWVNM Administration of Justice position, a committee of state board members worked to incorporate the new elements into the existing LWVNM position. This committee included Barbara Calef, Eileen VanWie, Jody Larson, Meredith Machen, Karen Douglas, and Kathy Brook. The revised Administration of Justice position, approved by the LWVNM board, was published in the spring La Palabra, and is contained in the Convention materials. Major changes include the Position in Brief, the list of four principles and policies to which a high functioning law enforcement system is committed, the eleven law enforcement policies supported by LWVNM, and the section entitled, “Policies on Incarceration.” The heading “Legal Aid” has been changed to “Public Defender Program.” The first sentence of the Death Penalty section has been changed to, “The League of Women Voters of New Mexico opposes the death penalty and prefers a sentence of life in prison without parole as an alternative.” The section heading, “Alternatives to Incarceration,” is now “Sentencing Guidelines.”
Following a question from the floor, Barbara Calef and Felicia Orth, our parliamentarian, explained the procedure for voting tomorrow. Written amendments can be offered and voted upon, and then a vote will be taken on the entire position.
Election Procedures – Ranked choice voting is currently used in municipal elections in Santa Fe and Las Cruces. LWVNM held a webinar on this subject on August 31, 2022, featuring Mario Jimenez of Common Cause and Lonna Atkeson, faculty member at Florida State University. On January 21, 2023, the LWVNM voted to concur with the League of Women Voters of Vermont. The position recommended today reads, “The League of Women Voters of New Mexico will support ranked choice voting for all statewide elections.”
Public Regulation Commission – In its program planning process, LWVSFC noted the need to update this position to reflect the change in the Commission’s status from an elected body to an appointed body. The change is to item 2, deleting “after election” and replacing it with “for Commissioners.”
Natural Resources - This is the heading for several positions including Agriculture, Air Quality, Climate Change, and Land Use. In its program planning process, LWVLA proposed a change in the heading from Natural Resources to Environment.
Qualifications and Selection of Judges of the Lower Courts - This study was originally approved at Convention in 2019 and chaired by Suzanne Ronneau. The study group ran into difficulties because Covid prevented in-person observation during court proceedings. At Convention in 2021, delegates voted to extend the study for another two years. According to a report prepared by Suzanne, in the 2023 Legislative session, League member/State Representative Christine Chandler introduced HB 113 – Magistrate Court Changes – that would amend the eligibility requirements for persons seeking election as Magistrate Judges. Passage of this bill would have made the study unnecessary. The bill did not make it fully through the legislative process, but LWVNM could advocate accordingly through our current Administration of Justice position. Furthermore, Suzanne has left the state and there is no one in line to take over the study. The LWVNM board therefore recommends that the study be terminated.
Tribal Law Codification at the State Level – This study was approved in 2021 as a one-year study of the pros and cons of codifying federal tribal laws at the state level. Approval to extend the study for a second year was granted by the delegates at the 2022 LWVNM Council. A second one-year extension was requested by study chair Rebecca Álvarez and approved by the LWVNM board in March 2023. However, Rebecca Álvarez is no longer able to chair this study. Judy Williams said that she is not interested in chairing this study but was involved in helping with interviews and writing a paper. She believes that we should consider trying to complete some of this work.
Nuclear Issues – Karen Douglas, Chair of the LWVNM Spent Nuclear Fuel Committee, is proposing a new study on nuclear power. She explained that the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania presented a proposed Nuclear Issues Resolution during the 2022 LWVUS Convention to consider nuclear energy among climate change initiatives. This proposal referred to nuclear power as a “clean” energy source. The proposal was denied by the Resolution Committee, which said that a study would be needed. Because of bylaws issues with Pennsylvania and other states, LWVNM is the logical choice to pursue this study. Unlike other Leagues, the LWVNM Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Safety Committee includes one chemical engineer, three nuclear engineers, two nuclear physicists, professional geologists and hydrologists, and an astronomy professor emeritus. The goal is to expedite this study so we may have a new position brought to the LWVUS Convention in 2024 for concurrence.
Karen Douglas presented the following:
The study will focus on efforts to evaluate the advantages/disadvantages of commercial nuclear power as a major contributor to clean energy in the United States and promote reliance on factual information sources when formulating future energy policies. The study will review the experiences in nuclear energy production worldwide. It will evaluate international successes that could be applied domestically and address barriers to U.S. adoption of these measures. The study is envisioned as being expedited with a goal of encouraging concurrence by other state Leagues and LWVUS.
The study scope will include these tasks:
- Summarize the current contribution nuclear energy provides as both a baseload and a GHG-free energy source for domestic/international clean energy production.
- Identify deterrents to nuclear energy expansion and any proven and effective remedies (consider the LWVNM Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Safety Position adopted in 2021).
- Consider the current U.S. energy situation and domestic nuclear plant status including closures with related impacts on states.
- Evaluate newer advanced reactor concepts with enhanced safety features and efficiency with related implementation status.
Karen added that 17 other states, some of which have several nuclear reactors, will submit references for us and be party to review the study committee report. They will also be invited to concur with any forthcoming position. To expedite this study, the plan is to have one statewide consensus meeting.
In response to questions from the floor, Karen explained that the four tasks presented were modified from the initial five tasks published in the spring La Palabra to be more open-ended. The LWVUS liaison also explained that LWVUS decided that this study should be undertaken by one League, rather than a multi-state study.
The details on each position and studies were published in the spring La Palabra and are contained in the Convention materials. Kathy Brook encouraged everyone to review the materials and be prepared with questions tomorrow. Any proposed amendments should be submitted in writing.
Kathy then asked if there were any proposals from the floor for other studies. Heather Balas suggested that a study on codes of conduct for legislative officials to reduce conflicts of interest may be in order. Judy Williams added that LWVUS wants our positions to be general enough to advocate on an issue and a study is only needed if current positions do not allow for advocacy. Jeanne Logsdon agreed with Heather and suggested that our current “money in politics” position does not address the behavior of government officials after election. Hannah added that a study on this issue could be undertaken, and a proposal can be submitted at tomorrow’s meeting.
Hannah then announced that our silent auction is the only fundraiser for LWVNM, and she thanked those individuals who contributed items. The auction will end tomorrow at 10:45. After the meeting tomorrow, Hannah asked that we pick up and pay for items purchased and bring home items that did not sell.
After lunch, there will be committee meetings on Environment, Communications, Fundraising, and Vote411. Jean Dewart will lead a hike beginning at 2:00 p.m. Hannah also reminded us of the banquet at Pig and Fig with guest speaker State Land Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard.
Day 1 of the Convention was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Following the adjournment, the lunch speaker was State Representative Christine Chandler, who spoke on the 2023 Legislative Session.
Day 2
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Call to Order
LWVNM President Hannah Burling called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m.
Credentials Committee Report
Barbara Calef, chair of the Credentials Committee, repeated that 40 percent of the possible number of voting delegates, other than members of the state board, shall constitute a quorum, provided that there is representation from a majority of the local Leagues. At the start of the meeting, there were a total of 19 possible local League delegates, or 67 percent. All local Leagues were represented. We therefore met the requirements for a quorum.
Hannah announced that the adoption of the Credentials Committee report requires a majority vote. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of adopting the report of the Credentials Committee. A quorum was established.
Local League Reports
The leaders or presidents of the local Leagues presented their reports on League activities since the last Convention. Karen Douglas reported for Central New Mexico; Becky Shankland reported for Los Alamos; Stephanie Schlanger and Kelly Davis presented for Santa Fe; and Kathy Brook and Eileen VanWie reported for Southern New Mexico.
Adoption of the 2023-2025 Budget
Judy Williams, chair of the Budget Committee and on behalf of the state board, moved to adopt the proposed budget which was presented yesterday. No second is required because the motion was made at the direction of the board. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of adopting the 2023-2025 budget.
Adoption of Program Positions and Studies
Kathy Brook, Program Chair, reminded the delegates of our voting procedures and the rules for discussion.
Barbara Calef moved that each amended position be discussed and voted on separately before we vote to adopt all the positions. Akkana Peck seconded this motion. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of Barbara’s motion.
Hannah announced Ellen Mills as the timekeeper and vote counter.
Administration of Justice – Kathy asked if there were any amendments to this position. Jeanne Logsdon moved to change the heading “Sentencing Guidelines” to “Guidelines for Criminal Penalties” because Sentencing Guidelines has a very precise meaning in law and jurisprudence. The amendment suggests a more general orientation of the paragraphs. Meredith Machen seconded this motion. Rebecca Chaiken agreed with this motion based on her previous experience as a U.S. Probation Officer. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of Jeanne’s motion. Kathy then moved to approve the change in the Administration of Justice position, with the header change from Sentencing Guidelines to Guidelines for Criminal Penalties. No second is required because the motion was made at the direction of the board. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of adopting the revised position. The motion passed.
Election Procedures – Kathy asked if there were any amendments to this position. There were none. Jeanne Logsdon spoke against the inclusion of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in this position, noting that in some instances the outcome of the election could have unintended consequences. Barbara Calef also spoke against the change to this position because the results of Professor Atkeson’s studies on RCV presented during the webinar indicated that RCV was not democratic, and it would be better to have runoff elections. Ann LePage also opposed this change because RCV is confusing and does not sound democratic.
Eileen VanWie spoke in favor of adding RCV to this position. She participated in RCV in Las Cruces and said it was easy to do. Furthermore, our organization exists to educate the public and research shows that more women will be elected. Stephanie Schlanger and Kelly Davis also spoke in favor of RCV, noting that it is a way to defeat candidates with extreme views and, considering the polarization in politics, this is a way to move forward. Meredith Machen agreed, noting that RCV is a way to elect more moderate candidates. Furthermore, it can set up future collaboration, consensus building, and will lead to a more collegial atmosphere.
Kathy then moved to approve the revision in the Election Procedures position in which RCV was added. No second is required because the motion was made at the direction of the board. Vote Counter Ellen Mills asked for a show of hands. Those voting in favor totaled 25 and those opposed totaled 3. The motion passed.
Public Regulation Commission – Kathy asked if there were any amendments to this position. There were none. Eileen VanWie noted, however, that the PRC is not working because the appointed members do not represent the whole state. Eileen asked if we can advocate a return to the election of PRC members. Kathy Brook said this is a direction to the board. Kathy then moved to approve the change in the Public Regulation Commission position. No second is required because the motion was made at the direction of the board. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of adopting the revised position. The motion passed.
Natural Resources - Kathy asked if there were any amendments to this position. There were none. She then moved to approve the change in the header of the Natural Resources position to Environment. No second is required because the motion was made at the direction of the board. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of adopting the revised position. The motion passed.
On behalf of the state board, Kathy then moved to adopt all the League positions and revisions, including what we voted on today. This motion was seconded by Barbara Calef. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of this motion. The motion passed.
Qualifications and Selection of Judges of the Lower Courts – Meredith Machen moved to terminate this study and the motion was seconded by Barbara Calef. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of this motion. The motion passed.
Tribal Law Codification at the State Level – Kathy Brook said that it is the recommendation of the board to extend this previously approved study for one year, to wrap it up in some fashion. Rebecca Chaiken asked who would lead this study going forward. Judy Williams said that she has been involved in the study since its inception and is willing to coordinate the continuation. Meredith Machen added that she will also help, and she offered Dick Mason’s participation as well. Hannah Burling also offered to help. Kathy moved to extend this study for one year. No second is required because the motion was made at the direction of the board. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of this extension. The motion passed.
Nuclear Issues - Kathy asked if there were any amendments to this proposed study. Eileen VanWie moved to amend the study description as follows: The study will focus on efforts to evaluate evaluation of the advantages/disadvantages of commercial nuclear power as a major contributor to clean energy in the United States and promote reliance on factual information sources when formulating future energy policies. The study will review the experiences in nuclear energy production worldwide. It will evaluate international successes experiences that could be applied domestically and address barriers to U.S. adoption of these measures. Akkana Peck seconded Eileen’s motion. Karen Douglas expressed some concerns about deleting the phrase “as a major contributor to clean energy in the United States” because the study was initiated under a climate change emergency. Stephanie Schlanger spoke on behalf of this study because we must have nuclear power as part of clean energy but suggested deleting the word “major.”
Jeanne Logsdon asked Eileen if she would accept a Friendly Amendment, by deleting the language, “and address barriers to U.S. adoption of these measures.” Jeanne expressed some concern that the language suggested a preordained outcome to the study. Felicia Orth provided guidance as our parliamentarian. Eileen accepted this amendment and agreed that the study needs to be unbiased.
Meredith Machen then suggested that the word “contributor” be replaced with “component.” Eileen then asked Karen if the term “clean energy” can really be used because of issues with spent nuclear fuels. Karen suggested that better language would be “greenhouse gas free.” Felicia Orth provided guidance as our parliamentarian.
The amendments just described led to the following language of the proposed Nuclear Issues study:
The study will focus on evaluation of the advantages/disadvantages of commercial nuclear power as a component of greenhouse gas free energy in the United States and promote reliance on factual information sources when formulating future energy policies. The study will review nuclear energy production worldwide. It will evaluate international experiences that could be applied domestically. The study is envisioned as being expedited with a goal of encouraging concurrence by other state Leagues and the national League. Consensus meetings will be held in the winter of 2024.
The study scope will include these tasks:
- Summarize the current contribution nuclear energy provides as both a baseload and a greenhouse gas free source for domestic/international energy production.
- Identify deterrents to nuclear energy expansion and any proven and effective remedies (consider the LWVNM Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Safety Position adopted in 2021).
- Consider the current U.S. energy situation and domestic nuclear plant status including closures with related impacts on states.
- Evaluate newer advanced reactor concepts with enhanced safety features and efficiency with related implementation status.
A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of these amendments. The motion passed.
Judy Williams then read from the LWVUS Impact on Issues, and she asked us to keep in mind several factors when deciding to undertake a study including: is there broad member understanding and agreement; is it a priority for the League; and is this the best use of the League’s resources.
Karen Wentworth expressed a concern about the timing of the study. Karen is concerned that the League is already involved in the Spent Nuclear Fuels issue and believes we should be focusing on advocacy in that area. Barbara Calef responded that a study is undertaken to educate ourselves. Karen Douglas does not think it is a matter of prioritization, and LWVUS wants us to undertake this study. Becky Shankland said that the proposed study meets the criteria read to us by Judy, and we are well-suited to deal with this issue.
A paper ballot was distributed to the delegates. Ballots were counted by Ellen Mills, Felicia Orth, and observer Jody Benson. According to Vote Counter Ellen Mills, 26 voted in favor of the study and 3 were opposed. The study was approved.
Kathy Brook then asked if there were any non-recommended new studies from the floor. On behalf of Heather Balas, Judy Williams proposed a study entitled, “Ethical Conduct by Election Officials, Election Certifiers, and other Public Officials.” The proposed study was then read into the record. Judy moved to adopt the study, and this was seconded by Stephanie Schlanger.
Barbara Calef then read from our bylaws, which state that any study must be proposed at least ten weeks prior to Convention. She added that the study proposed is not timely, most delegates are just hearing about it, and most of us have not seen the proposal in writing. Barbara suggested that the LWVNM board consider this proposal first. Felicia Orth provided guidance as our parliamentarian. Meredith Machen suggested that an analysis of this issue precede a study so that we are not in conflict with our bylaws. Edwina Jaramillo noted that Heather was told during yesterday’s meeting that she could submit this proposal today. A lengthy discussion followed.
Hannah said that several issues have been raised. She noted that several of our experienced advocates believe that we can advocate on this issue based on our current positions. Felicia Orth provided guidance as our parliamentarian. Hannah apologized that Heather was misinformed yesterday and suggested that our bylaws be rewritten into plain English to avoid similar problems in the future. Judy added that Heather has agreed to serve on our board and wants to find a way for Heather to work on this issue. Hannah suggested that Heather be asked to do the analysis. On behalf of the Action Committee, Akkana Peck suggested that ethical conduct is already a priority. Judy wants to see a written analysis to help us advocate on this issue. Jeanne Logsdon said that our current position is not clear on what ethical issues we can advocate on, and conflicts of interest need to be addressed. She asked for a study to be approved at the next Convention after an analysis is completed, so we can do it right. Barbara added that if the LWVNM concurs with another League’s position on ethics, we can advocate accordingly before the next convention.
Hannah asked Meredith Machen to write up what an analysis on this issue would entail and provide this to Heather. Hannah also asked for a volunteer to rewrite our bylaws to make them more user friendly. Ann LePage and Akkana Peck both offered to work on this project. Hannah also suggested that the process of undertaking a study should be provided to the board and delegates at the next Convention.
Following this lengthy discussion, Judy withdrew her original motion. She submitted a new written motion, “To review ethical practice and conflicts of interest inherent by election officials. The analysis will assess the current situation in New Mexico and identify possible remedies. It may also include other officials.” Meredith seconded this motion. A voice vote was taken, and all delegates voted in favor of this motion. The motion passed.
Nominations and Elections
Karen Wentworth, chair of the Nominating Committee, presented the nominations for Officers and Elected Board of Directors as reflected in the Spring La Palabra and contained in the Convention materials. A written list of nominations was also placed at each table. She called for nominations from the floor. There were none.
Karen then read through the list of nominees, as follows:
Co-Presidents – Kathy Brook and Hannah Burling
2nd Vice President - Barbara Calef
Secretary - Rebecca Chaiken
Treasurer – Kim Sorensen
Action Chair – Akkana Peck
Past President - Judy Williams
Board of Directors
Archives – Jody Larson
Communications - Janet Blair
Projects – Meredith Machen
Voter Services – Edwina Jaramillo
Voting and Elections – Dick Mason
Women and Gender Issues – Ann LePage
Director – Heather Balas
Nominating Committee
Karen Wentworth
Becky Shankland
Eileen VanWie
Hannah then asked for a unanimous voice vote, and all delegates voted in favor.
Hannah congratulated all the individuals who were just elected, and she acknowledged the previous LWVNM board. She thanked Judy Williams for serving as Voter Services chair for the last two years, and thanked Edwina Jaramillo for offering to take this position on. Hannah also thanked Janet Blair for chairing the Communications Committee and for editing La Palabra. She thanked Barbara Calef for her editing prowess and Ann LePage and Kim Sorensen for agreeing to serve on the board. Hannah thanked Rebecca Chaiken for her minutes and Akkana Peck for serving as webmaster and Action Committee chair. Hannah then thanked Kathy Brook and congratulated her for being elected our new co-president. Last, Hannah thanked all the local Leagues for their work.
Kathy Brook acknowledged Hannah’s work over the past four years. Kathy said that she has been a League member since she was invited to join the League many years ago, and she spoke of the importance of inviting others to join the League. As a result of her participation in the League, she has worked with local government committees in areas including health care, economic development, and an audit of city operations. It has been an important experience in her life, and she is honored to work more closely with Hannah.
Hannah reminded all delegates to turn in their name tags.
Adelaide Jacobson announced the results of the silent auction.
Hannah and Kathy asked for the Directions to the Board form to be filled out and turned in.
Convention Adjournment
The convention was adjourned at 11:49 a.m.
Rebecca Chaiken, Secretary
Reviewed and edited by Felicia Orth
Approved by the LWVNM board on July 15, 2023