How to Find a Legislator during the Session

Type of contact. It’s always best to talk with legislators in person, but if necessary you can leave a note with the staff in their office.

Go to the website – and look around. There is a lot of helpful information there.

Pick up the Legislative Almanac near the information desk. It has legislators’ names, their photos, committee assignments and other information. There are also seating charts for the House and Senate floors.

Find out where your legislator’s office is located. The directory is on the website, but you can pick up copies at the information desk in east lobby of the Roundhouse. You can also ask the people at the information desk.

Go the legislator’s office and ask the staff if you can meet with your legislator. You do NOT need an appointment. If your legislator is available, he/she will meet with you. The earlier it is in the morning, the more likely it is that you will find the legislator in the office.

If the legislator is not in, ask the staff where and when you might find him/her. If not in their offices, legislators are usually in a committee meeting or on the floor of the Senate or House Chambers.

If the legislator is in a committee room and the meeting hasn’t started, you might be able to talk with your legislator. If the meeting has started, you can approach your legislator after the meeting ends.

If the legislator is on the House or Senate Floor and the chamber is not in session, you are usually welcome to walk onto the floor and find him or her. (There are nameplates on their desks.) If the legislator is free just ask if you can have a few moments to talk.

If you have an important issue to raise and your legislator is in a floor session in either the House or Senate, you can ask the staff person at the entrance to inform the legislator that you are waiting outside. Give the staff a business card (or name and address on an index card) to give the legislator.

League of Women Voters of New Mexico, 02-01-2019