How to Use New Mexico’s Legislative Website

Updated December, 2021

Home Page:

Find Your Leg.: Gives you many search options

Bill Finder: Gives you various ways of finding legislation

My Roundhouse: This site allows you to register and receive updates on specific legislation.

Bill Locator: Click on the relevant session and it will give you a numerical listing of the legislation. House bills first and then the Senate bills

Committees: This is a list of the Committees that meet during the Legislative Session. They are live links and will show the members & usual meeting times

Accessing Meetings: The “What’s Happening” tab will let you know what meetings are going on and how to access them electronically. Click on the “html” versions to get “live” links. The “Webcast” button will let you access any meeting that is underway.

Interim Committees: These are Committees that meet in-between sessions. Much of the preliminary work is done in these Committees

Abbreviations: You might want to print this out for reference since they are used throughout

We encourage you to go to the home page and explore the site. The Legislative Council Service does an excellent job of providing citizens with information.

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