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Local Leagues in New Mexico

New Mexico, highlighted in RED - links to Wikipedia article on New Mexico

United States Senator

Two United States Senators are elected to six-year staggered terms by the entire state. Candidates must be at least 30 years old, a citizen of the United States at least nine years, and a resident of the state from which elected. The United States Senate has 100 members. One New Mexico Senate seat is up for election this year. The annual salary for U.S. Senator in 2012 is $174,000.

Martin T. Heinrich, Democratic Party candidate for US Senate

Martin T. Heinrich
Democratic Party

1. Describe your specific experience and abilities that prepare you for the office of United States Senator. (75 words)

As the son of an electrician and a factory worker, I am a committed advocate for New Mexico's middle class families. I am one of only a handful of members of Congress with a background in science and technology and bring a unique perspective to create good, sustainable jobs in growing industries like clean energy and biotechnology.

2. What should the federal government do to strengthen the national economy and create jobs? (75 words)

The federal government needs trade and tax policies that put the US and every other country on a level playing field. Right now, countries like China have a huge advantage because of their low wages and terrible working conditions. I have fought bad trade deals that send our jobs overseas and will work to close tax loopholes for US companies that outsource American jobs, while providing incentives for companies to return to the US.

3. What, if anything, should the federal government do to improve affordability and access to quality health care? (75 words)

I have consistently fought to protect the benefits our seniors have earned from constant attacks by those who would rather give tax breaks to the super-rich and big corporations than keep this country's promises to our parents and grandparents. We can and must reduce our deficit - but I will never agree to do so on the backs of New Mexico's seniors.

4. What can the federal government do to ensure America's energy needs are met while preserving the environment? What, if anything, should the federal government do to slow climate change? (75 words)

have always fought to make our country energy independent. In Congress, I introduced the Clean Energy Promotion Act, bipartisan legislation to promote renewable energy projects on public lands. I also voted for the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. New Mexico, with its abundant wind and solar resources, can and should be the epicenter of the clean energy economy and I am committed to make that belief a reality.

Heather A. Wilson, Republican Party candidate for US Senate

Heather A. Wilson
Republican Party

1. Describe your specific experience and abilities that prepare you for the office of United States Senator. (75 words)

My record of service started when I enrolled at the U.S. Air Force Academy.  As an Air Force officer, I served on the U.S. mission to NATO and later worked in the White House under the first President Bush.  In 1995, I became cabinet secretary of New Mexico's Children, Youth and Families Department where we led efforts to reform welfare laws and improve early childhood education.  I also served in the Congress for 10 years.

2. What should the federal government do to strengthen the national economy and create jobs? (75 words)

There is nothing more important in America right now than creating jobs and growing the economy. That means low taxes, a moratorium on job-killing regulations, an all-of-the-above energy strategy and government reform that will control the unsustainable growth in government spending. We also need a balanced long-term energy policy that makes America more energy independent and keeps costs of energy down so that we can attract business and create jobs.

3. What, if anything, should the federal government do to improve affordability and access to quality health care? (75 words)

The health care act was a mistake. It should be repealed and replaced. It drives up health insurance costs, cuts Medicare, increases taxes and could devastate rural healthcare. I will continue my work to improve the health status of low income Americans and quality of patient care. We must allow doctors and patients to make decisions about care, make healthcare more affordable, pass medical liability reform, and continue to lead the world in healthcare research.

4. What can the federal government do to ensure America's energy needs are met while preserving the environment? What, if anything, should the federal government do to slow climate change? (75 words)

The earth has been in a period of warming for the last 11,900 years, since the last ice age.  The question is how much of warming in recent centuries is due to human activity and what, if anything, can and should be done about it.  We must improve the science to reduce the high level of uncertainty that exists in our models and increase the amount of data from which to draw conclusions.

Jon Ross Barrie, Independent American Party candidate for US Senate

Jon Ross Barrie
Independent American Party

1. Describe your specific experience and abilities that prepare you for the office of United States Senator. (75 words)

I am a USAF Vietnam Veteran.  My experience has been in aviation and alternative health  (Homeopathic Practitioner.)  I managed large budgets and kept costs under control.  My employment with the Federal Aviation Administration has given me the experience and awareness of government involvement in the private sector.  I will not continue the present practice of taxing, spending and overregulating our nation.  I will donate ˝ of my salary to children with disabilities in New Mexico.

2. What should the federal government do to strengthen the national economy and create jobs? (75 words)

Our citizens are being overtaxed and overregulated.  The nation must return to a free market society.  The federal government has to be reduced to its' constitutional limits and then prosperity will increase.  WE the people can create jobs without government interference.  The government is not the answer.  Ask any business owner and they will tell you two things:  reduce taxes and eliminate burdensome, unnecessary regulations.  That alone will create jobs and strengthen the economy!

3. What, if anything, should the federal government do to improve affordability and access to quality health care? (75 words)

The federal government should not be in the health care business.  Their huge tax program is not the answer.  The free market can and will provide affordable access to quality health care. This is a compassionate nation and the states and individuals will develop alternatives for low income and those in need.  If we de-regulate and lower taxes our health care system will enjoy immediate benefits to us all. 

4. What can the federal government do to ensure America's energy needs are met while preserving the environment? What, if anything, should the federal government do to slow climate change? (75 words)

My research into this issue has revealed that there are no definitive human causes of climate change of any significance.  The majority of reputable scientists have concluded that man-caused global warming is not an issue.

Bob Anderson,  independent write-in candidate for US Senate

Bob Anderson
Independent candidate (write-in)

1. Describe your specific experience and abilities that prepare you for the office of United States Senator. (75 words)

Have been a professor of political science and other liberal arts fields for nearly 20 years now. Obtained a PhD from UNM. Lived in New Mexico for 40 years. Served in the Air Force during the Vietnam War, saw combat, honorably discharged. Am a client of the Veterans Administration medical services. Worked as a steelworker. Ran a community center for 8 years working with low income and unemployed. Worked for peace and justice campaigns for many years.

2. What should the federal government do to strengthen the national economy and create jobs? (75 words)

Abandon trickle down economics and implement a progressive tax structure (tax the rich, not workers), close corporate tax shelters and loop holes, roll back the outrageous military budget and put that savings towards investment in our state's education, health environmental needs and a solar based green New Deal. Higher education should be free and home mortgage foreclosures cancelled to keep families in their homes. Support worker ownership programs and decolonize New Mexico's economy.

3. What, if anything, should the federal government do to improve affordability and access to quality health care? (75 words)

Remove private sector insurance companies from controlling access to health care for private profit. The problem is not affordable insurance but the building of a Medicare-for-all system for the whole country. Combat veterans like me already have this through the Veterans hospital system and it could be expanded to all Americans. It is just a political will question. Funds could come by recovering the welfare given to Wall Street banks and the military-industrial complex.

4. What can the federal government do to ensure America's energy needs are met while preserving the environment? What, if anything, should the federal government do to slow climate change? (75 words)

Stop using fossil fuels which are causing atmospheric warming from use in industry, cars and home heating. We need a crash program to go to sustainable energy sources and stop nuclear power like Japan is doing before we have a similar major disaster. A major solar, wind power, bio-fuels and other programs need to be developed immediately which should employ the under 25 age workers so we can build a new middle class.